The Willenborg Social Work Leadership for the Common Good Grant Program

    Willenborg Social Work Leadership for the Common Good stipends provide stipends for students whose field placements will build their experience and skills engaging in justice advocacy, leadership development, community organizing, and policy practice. The goal is to provide support for graduate students in practicum placements, current volunteer work or actual employment that offer substantial experience in advancing human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice (Social Work Education Core Competency 3) and / or engage in policy practice (Core Competency 5).

    Students can choose to discuss their placements, current volunteer work or current employment that fulfills the criteria above. If students have a particular conference that will advance their skills in advocacy, organizing or civic justice, we strongly encourage you to apply and identify how the conference may support advancing the competencies 3 and 5. Students may receive conference funding in lieu of the stipend to support travel, conference fees and lodging. Undocumented students are encouraged to apply!

    In order to receive the stipend, applicants must describe what components of the program will allow them to develop Core Competencies 3 and / or 5 and discuss how they wish to engage as a leader in community organizing, policy advocacy, and policy practice after completing their MSW program.


    Eligibility Requirements

    • Minimum 3.0 GPA and need to be placed in an internship (first or second year) OR current volunteer work
    • Actual employment that centers on human rights, social justice, civic justice and/or policy practice

    Deadline: September 9


    Pesonal Information
    Date of Birth is collected to prevent the creation of duplicate records.
    Date of Birth
    Date of Birth is collected to prevent the creation of duplicate records.
    Date of Birth
    Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

    Social workers understand that every person, regardless of position in society, has fundamental human rights such as freedom, safety, privacy, an adequate standard of living, health care, and education. Social workers understand the global interconnections of oppression and human rights violations. They are knowledgeable about theories of human need and social justice and strategies to promote social and economic justice and human rights. Social workers understand systems designed to eliminate oppressive structural barriers to ensure that social goods, rights, and responsibilities are distributed equitably and that civil, political, environmental, economic, social, and cultural human rights are protected.


    • Apply their understanding of social, economic, and environmental justice to advocate for human right at the individual and system levels
    • Engage in practices that advance social, economic, and environmental justice
    Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice

    Advanced generalist social workers engage in identifying, comparing, and analyzing international, federal, state, and local policies. Advanced generalist social workers engage in understanding, assessing, and critiquing the history and current structure, development, and implementation of social policies and services. Advanced generalist social workers engage in advocating for social policies and services that advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.


    • Demonstrate an understanding of how the effects of local and global institutional and economic power and policies reinforce systemic oppression   
    • Assess and identify strengths and challenges that support policy development across the micro, mezzo and macro systems 
    • Advocate and promote policies that support the social and economic equity and inclusion of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities  

    Social workers understand that human rights and social justice, as well as social welfare and services, are mediated by oplicy and its implementation at the federal, state, and local levels. Social workers understand the history and current structures of social policies and services, the role of policy in service delivery, and the role of practice in policy development. Social workers understand their role in policy development and implementation within their practice settings at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels and they actively engage in policy practice to effect change within those settings. Social workers recognize and understand the historical, social, cultural, economic, organizational, environmental, and global influences that affect social policy. They are also knowledgeable about policy formulation, analysis, implementation, and evaluation. 


    • Identify social policy at the local, state, and federal level that impacts well-being, service delivery, and access to social services
    • Assess how social warfare and economic policies impact the delivery of and access to social services
    • Apply critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice

    We are eager to have our field placement grant recipients share their experiences and growth as a social work student with the broader university community.  Would you be willing to share your experience through a short talk, panel or poster presentation in the April 2025 Scholarship & Ideas Expo?  

    We are eager to have our field placement grant recipients share their experiences and growth as a social work student with the broader university community.  Would you be willing to share your experience through a short talk, panel or poster presentation in the April 2025 Scholarship & Ideas Expo?